25th Anniversary of Oscar Romero's Death

On 24 March 1980 Archbishop Oscar Romero, prophet of the church of El Salvador was celebrating Mass in the chapel of the Divine Providence Hospital. While lifting the gifts during the offertory a single shot pierced his heart. Another martyr joined the ranks of those who have spoken and then given their lives for the poor and powerless.

Below are quotes from this courageous preacher found in an article by Brian Pierce OP in the report by the Religious Task Force on Central America and Mexico.

This 24 March 2005 we celebrate our Holy Thursday and enter the awesome Tridium. These words may encourage us to witness with the courage, hope, and tenacity of this humble servant and all those still present for justice and peace.

“I study the Word of God to be read on Sunday. I look around me, at my people. I use this Word to shed light on my surroundings…Naturally, the idols and idolatries of the earth are irritated by this Word, and they would like very much to remove it, to silence it, to kill it. Let happen what God wills, but God’s Word, as St. Paul said, is not tied down.” (20 August 1978)

“A preaching that awakens, a preaching that enlightens, as when a light turned on awakens and annoys a sleeper—that is the preaching of Christ…Naturally, such preaching must meet conflict, must spoil what is miscalled prestige, must disturb, must be persecuted. It cannot get along with the powers of darkness and sin.” (22 January 1978)

“To try to preach without referring to the history one preaches in is not to preach the gospel. Many would like a preaching so spiritualistic that is leaves sinners unbothered and does not term idolaters those who kneel before money and power. A preaching that says nothing of the sinful environment in which the gospel is reflected upon is not the gospel. (18 February 1979)

“Yesterday when I visited (the village of ) Dulce Nombre de Maria and the humble peasant people told me how they listen to my words, words which console them, giving them hope and support, it made me want to cry and say with Christ: ‘I thank you Father, because you have hidden these things from the proud and have revealed them to the very poor.’” (April, 1978)

“I am not afraid that our faith may depend only on the archbishop’s preaching. I don’t think I’m that important. I believe that this message which is only a humble echo of God’s Word, enters your hearts, not because it is mine but because it comes from God.” (29 October 1978)

“It is much easier to preach lies, to accommodate oneself so as not to lose privileges…If it is necessary for the church to lose its privileges, then it will lose them; but is will always speak the truth.” (22 April 1979)

“We cannot segregate G-d’s Word from the historical reality in which it is proclaimed. That would not be God’s Word. The Bible would be just a pious history book in our library.” (27 November 1977)

“It is a shame, brother and sisters…to have mass media that have sold themselves out to these situations. It is a shame to not be able to trust the news in the papers, the television or the radio because it has already been bought and tampered with; it is not the truth.” (2 April 1978)

“The people are my prophet.”

“Each of you has to be a microphone of God, everyone of you a messenger, a prophet.” (8 July 1979)